I sit here and watch something So good yet so far away
Slip out of my reach even more
Not saying that I actually had a hold of anything, but it felt like, for just
one tiny second, that i had in my grasp,
Something that everyone cherishes and begs to have and hold, but
doesn’t know how to keep, a heart not live and beating but a Soul one
that cries out for help in the most silent ways just like my own,
Brought to me in the darkest of nights by the force that brings lost souls
together in harmony,
As if it were always a perfect day, with the sun shining bright But in
this bleak darkness that i call life
I have managed to meet someone who made me smile, not on the
outside for everyone to see, but on the inside, for my whole soul to
see, its as though someone has found a way to every part of my
And found a way to make me happy.
So with this in mind i reach out with both hands Hoping to grasp
what my heart yearns for, what makes me truly happy, But to my
surprise the tips of my fingers are bare and i watch with weary eyes as
i let yet another dream slowly creep away from me
Now i sit and hope that one day i might be able to get just one dream
Never ever so strong
Half visible half concealed
Lost i was but did not care
You were carried to me in the wings of air
I found pleasure, a feeling so rare.
Beside You I felt free from despair.
Out of darkness, out of pain.
I wish it could always remain….
Now soaked in pain I call out your name
Babett Lajos (2003)