Once upon a time there lived three dirty little pigs. One fine day they decided to take their places in society and bear the difficulties and responsibilites of enterprise. Two dirty little pigs did not like working and found market research terribly tiresome and boring. They agreed that time should not be wasted on trivialites such as business plans, studies, research and budgets, which in their opinion was a waste of precious money-making time. One of them therefore decided to establish a charity fund for the needy calves of the village who had foot and mouth. "What a good idea! I must do something equally easy and profitable," said the other dirty little pig. So he decided to run for village mayor in the elections, which he indeed won.
The third dirty little pig decided that he would become a lawyer and, after taking the university entrance exam, he was admitted. He learned and learned for years, and was so poor that he could hardly make ends meet. Meanwhile, the other two dirty little piglets were well established. The one which set up the charity fund collected millions and millions of dollars by campaigning and convincing people and companies to donate to a worthy cause. The dirty little pig who became mayor also worked very diligently in the field of finance, collecting money provided through local taxation and government benefits.
One day Mrs. Daisy Moo made a complaint that neither she nor her calves had received any financial help to buy medicine, in spite of the fact that they had foot and mouth. Hearing the complaint, the other cattle realised that they had not been given a cent by anyone either, so they all stampeded to the charity office to demand money. The dirty little pig lied calmly and confidently. He told the cattle about the aide programme which he had launched and all the money which had been spent to help the cattle in need, and could not understand why the bulls in the herd darted at him with their heads held down.
The unsuspecting animals in the village were also growing extremely impatient. The paths leading along the main road needed repair, the old animals demanded the an old animal's home, and the school needed new classrooms, because there were too few.
The dirty little pig who was mayor of the village spoke of all the administrative difficulties and how the Wise Owl Party had undermined his innovative plans, forcing him to start a law suit which cost millions. He also spoke of how expensive it was to run the institutes of the village and that there was not much money left. Hearing this news, a snorting, grunting, mooing and neighing broke out among the crowd, which began to behave in an uncivilised, animal-like manner, convinceing the dirty little pig to step back, while showers of cow manure started to fly in his direction, not to mention the obscene words which were squealed by the disorderly crowd.
The angry procession made its way to the local police station, where they reported their suspicions to sergeant Eagle. The sergeant therefore proceeded in his duties and arrested the two dirty little pigs, remanding them in custody.
Meanwhile, the third dirty little pig had finished his studies and was called to represent the two dirty little suspects. The dirty little pig who had become a lawyer had learned and learned for years and years, so now the time had come to earn more and more, and to become richer and richer.
The two dirty little pigs were taken to court and despite the evidence brought up against them, they were acquitted and were left with all the money they had worked so hard for. Of course, the third little pig was given his well-deserved and generous fee, and they all lived happily ever after.
by Laci Buri