by Erzsébet Supák
Slowly, gently flows the tuneful stream,
The sun’s rays dancing along the surface.
Enveloped in the sheen are water, earth and heavens
And I am lost in the wonder of this awesome creation.
I close my eyes, so that I may take it into me,
Feeling a mild brush of breeze slightly stir,
Then surfacing from the dream, I spy the sun
And wonder at how it settles beneath the scarlet horizon.
Yet, before the sun slips into its sleep
It graciously glances back , streaming its good-bye.
All blends together: the taste, the smell, the colors,
Creating sweet harmony inside of me.
Here, in nature, my soul is calmed,
I blithely bid farewell to my pain,
With open, genuine serenity, I laugh
Thus I send my greetings: only to YOU!