The winners of the Coffee Break & Szinvapark Writing Contest are…



1st Prize: "City of Angels" by Zsuzsa Nagy

2nd prize: "Autumn Colours" by Zsuzsa Farkas

3rd prize: "The Song of Tiny Nothing" by Orsolya Lukács

3rd prize: "My Dream" by Helga Hauszer



1st prize: "Remembrance" by Edina Begezei

1st prize: "Just a Dirty Alley" by Bence Hrotkó

1st prize: "Every Dog Has His Day" by Eszter Ureczky


Judges Awards

"Sam & Pam" by Eszter Kóvács

"Colin & Pele" by Dávid Sasvári

"Strangers in Cleveland" by Tímea Csepely

“The Occupation of Solar System QGZA435721” Viktor Szálánczi


Other contest entries are located here.


Information about the judges can be found here.

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